Day Trading Futures Markets – Could This the Best Job in the World



Because you Day Trading Futures Markets … You open your eyes and become conscious to, well …Just the birds singing and the warm sunlight filtering through your wooden slatted bedroom window blinds.

Gently, you roll and sit up on the side of your bed to collect your thoughts. You ask yourself, what’s the time? No alarm clocks are necessary… First stop is the bathroom to complete your morning rituals… A glass of cool water, read and consider your plan for the day and, of course a leisurely walk on the beach. It’s time for your morning coffee, as you casually walk you find yourself practicing a true sense of gratitude for your life…

Opening your laptop as you savour your coffee, a quick scan of news, emails, responding as required, check and update your trading diary, Facebook pages, maybe login to your internet banking, or message your VA re any updates your website & Facebook pages require. You could have done all this from home, however you prefer working at your favorite little cafe in town overlooking the sea, so you can greet friends, fellow traders and Digital Nomads who come in for their morning cuppa.

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All this has consumed an hour or maybe 90 minutes of your day….

Having chosen a location where the weather is always warm. You feel like you’re on vacation every day . The Palms trees, white-sand, and a turquoise/blue ocean have that effect.

Your ‘work’ hours you have selected are great. Things don’t get going until the markets you trade open. That leaves you plenty of time for fishing, surfing, meeting fellow expats for lunch…in fact, hanging out and talking with friends is a huge part of your workday and key to your success.

The Dress code… well, barefoot or thongs, shorts and T-shirts are acceptable for your day at the office or when meeting friends. Shaving is optional.

Day Trading Futures Markets

The frantic pace and bombardment of the 24-hour news cycle and time consuming catch up on celebrity gossip and political infighting is a thing of the past and has slipped into a distant memory. So have, having the biggest TV, the latest smartphone, the trendiest fashions…it’s all out the window. You’re no longer chasing the almighty dollar to keep up with the Joneses (although your daily and obtainable tic target, more than maintains your financial needs and then some).

Life has become simpler in other ways. The pace of life is slow. You don’t have to rush to do anything. You set your schedule and live a life you love. Most importantly you love your job, in fact, Day Trading Futures Markets it doesn’t even feel like a job. You’re relaxed, enjoying and experiencing the day, definitely not watching the clock for quitting time anymore. dreading having to go into work each day is a thing of the past. Now, you actually like going to work.

Every day you meet new people and just about all of them are set to return to their humdrum lives in a few short days. They tell you…you have the best job in the world. And when you look at your life…and how Day trading futures markets offers you any amount per month you choose to live a life you love…

Earn From Anywhere Opportunity

Note: No matter what kind of lifestyle appeals to you…or what location is the place of your dreams…there’s an earn-from-anywhere opportunity with your name on it. Allow me to introduce you to how Day Trading Futures Markets could be the best way to find the portable income that suits your needs and lifestyle

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